Montana Flora



Silk is luxurious and elegant on its own. Adding touches of silk to your event completes it. Incorporating silk fabric from our wide range of soft and vibrant colours creates a memorable and lasting impression. You can turn a normal event into an extravagant and luxurious one.

Touches of silk ribbon in bouquets, boutonnieres and ceremonial arches creates a soft and romantic feel, making them that much more exquisite. At Montana Flora, we have completely fallen in love with them and wanted to share the joy. Our aim is to bring the beauty of the finest silk fabric to every occasion and let them shine.



Our story begins here…

At Montana Flora, we put a lot of care and love into every single strand of silk to create our range. From the start of the process, at our partner farm in the highlands of Vietnam, we ensure that our crop of fresh Mulberry leaves is healthy and abundant for the silkworms.


A feast for our little friends

Here the silkworms are enjoying their fresh supply of Mulberry leaves and preparing themselves to create silk cocoons.


Hard working team

The silkworms are hard at work creating the best silk threads they can muster.


Quality assured

With each silk thread created, we carefully and diligently check the quality of each strand to ensure the finest silk products.


Silk at its finest

Once it is made into silk fabric, our team in Sydney carefully hand fray, iron and present you with our final product. Ready to be added as the final touches to any occasion big or small. Bringing your vision to life.

Montana Flora Pty Ltd

Sydney. Australia

Tel. +61 434280488